Our Team

Niels Vreeling

Creative & account director

Experienced creative and brand fanatic, who leads by example. His energy and enthusiasm are highly contagious and help the people around him to excel. No-nonsense, witty, on the ball and endowed with both creative and business acumen. Knows how to build, position and maintain strong brands. Like the mail man, he always delivers.

Lawrence Armitage

Strategic & marketing director

Hands-on strategist with a good old can-do mentality. Leading the troops and working alongside clients, instead of telling them how to run their business. Likes to be on top of things, but hates micromanaging. Fully trusts and supports the talented people around him.

Roy Riethoven

Art director

Creative force of nature, who sets the artistic tone. With his well-plotted concepts and designs, he bridges the gap between our clients and their audience. Fast as lightning, tech and media savvy and fond of experimenting with all sorts of techniques to create designs that leave a lasting impression

Veerle Aalbers

Account & project manager

Talented and driven account and project manager who has elevated multitasking into an art form. Keeps the office peace and makes sure we meet our deadlines. Keeps clients satisfied by involving them in all phases of a project. Together with her new colleague project manager, she forms the backbone of our operation.

Roy Nicolai

Creative copywriter

Creative force of nature, who sets the artistic tone. With his well-plotted concepts and designs, he bridges the gap between our clients and their audience. Fast as lightning, tech and media savvy and fond of experimenting with all sorts of techniques to create designs that leave a lasting impression.

Carlijn Roskam

Content Marketeer

Curious, enthusiastic, and a true sail-through spirit. Armed with her diploma in Communication, her creative wordplay and a vast ocean of social media knowledge, she navigates the tides of the trade with finesse. She breezes through the team, stirring up waves of creativity and productivity. Her place aboard Legit? Swiftly seized, as if it were her rightful port of call. quickly secured her place aboard Legit.

Jelle van Leeuwen

Creative designer

Calm, open-minded and down to earth creative. Jelle is a grounded designer hooked on sneakers, which are colourful and varied as his graphic and digital work. The role of creative maverick suits him perfectly. Job well done!

Nina Law

Creative designer & photographer

Hardcore, engaging and unconventional creative. Develops, photographs, illustrates and designs campaigns that will blow your mind. With an eye for detail and clients’ needs. Pushing the boundaries, not breaking the law. Design with an edge.

Romania Manolelis

Creative designer

Cheerful, sporty and talented creative with Greek roots. Romi is a heroine within the graphic mythology. She has the ability to quickly and sharply translate lengthy briefings into visual masterpieces. With her creative and digital skills and keen eye for detail, she elevates your visual identity to a next level.

Rogier Schoenmaker

Web developer

Cheerful, modest, yet razor-sharp developer. Back-end, front-end, JavaScript or WordPress. Rogier dreams in HTML and CSS. Translates client briefings and visual designs effortlessly into user-friendly and accessible websites. Roger that!

Per Vreeling

Mister Per-fect

Host and caretaker deluxe. Per is an ambitious, enthusiastic and super social lad. Dreams of a career as an (online) game presenter or football commentator, but for the time being his cheerful character fits perfectly with the Legit team.